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10 cents for 12 ideas? No, ideas are no longer a dime a dozen

Ideas are a dime a dozen. Execution is key. Anyone can come up with ideas. Execution is what really matters. Sound familiar? This has been conventional wisdom that only a few might disagree with. It is what I believed for as long as I can remember. This is no longer

10 cents for 12 ideas? No, ideas are no longer a dime a dozen
Members Public

Productive Daydreaming

I’ve been practicing a method called productive daydreaming. In short, it’s a conscious effort to catch your thoughts to produce ideas or solve problems. When I first read about the word daydreaming in Jonah Lehrer’s book “Imagine” [1], I thought it was about looking out the window,

Productive Daydreaming
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I worry about my toddler-aged son's future. What could be a career path for him that can have a future in our quickly changing work landscape? Too early to worry about that now? Maybe, I don't know... I've been thinking about how skill will
